El Rincón del Tío Nuke

Open web, software libre, privacidad y más

Etiqueta: Mozilla (en)

Apps market trends, Firefox OS and Telegram

In the last months there have been a lot of heated discussions around Firefox OS and how the lack of a concrete app was a blocker for the whole platform. Yes, I’m talking about Whatsapp and their intention to not develop a webapp/Firefox OS app at this time. Let’s see why this is not that important over time.

On-boarding rethought

Since the beginning of 2013 we have been trying to grow the community, and definitely we’ve done great improvements with the localized contribute pages. But, size does not mean quality. Nearly 2000 people has contacted us in Spanish filling the contribute form since January, and due this huge volume of inquiries we had to implement a new task centric approach…

Mozilla experience at MWC 2013

Yesterday we came back from a super intense work week in Barcelona to show to the world Firefox OS at Mobile World Congress 2013. A year ago Mozilla presented a OS proposal for mobile devices based on web technologies and this year we came back to show it’s a reality and we will have it in our pockets this summer.

Contribute form for everyone!

In the last months a lot of work has been done on the Mozilla.org contribute page to improve its functionality in terms of localization. Localization: Having the content in your language was the first step. (You can ask support for your locales filling a bug under mozilla.org L10n blocking bug 755351) Local email: The information filled in the form was…

Mozilla Hispano turns 5!

Last weekend, Mozilla Hispano community turned 5. Five years working together for mozilla in Spanish, five years of learning and growing. Mozilla Hispano was born in 2007 because we needed a better way to work. Till that moment each Spanish-speaking country was working on their own and there was not real community-driven site in Spanish, so we decided to put…

Community goals for Q4

Yesterday we held two Mozilla Hispano monthly meetings, one for core contributors and one for all contributors. The most important topic was the community goals for fourth quarter and how to align with global goals. One of the important things when moving a mozilla community forwards is keep in mind how to apply global goals locally. Next three months we…

Organising a Mozilla community (II)

This post is a continuation of the previous one, Organising a Mozilla (I), if you haven’t read it yet, I recommend you to take at look first at it and then return here 😉 (Versión en español del artículo en breve) During these first half of 2012, we’ve being improving Mozilla Hispano tools for contributors, so I want to share…