El Rincón del Tío Nuke

Open web, software libre, privacidad y más

Joining Mozilla full time

Please check my full resume for more details about my work


I started contributing to Mozilla back in early 2004, when I would have never imagined how my life would be so connected to Mozilla 10 years after.

When you devote so much time of your free time to a project it has to be a reason, and in this case it’s the Mozilla mission and see how you can contribute to change things globally.

If you didn’t know, Mozilla is a global community and a non-profit organization which wants to bring openness and participation to the web thanks to open source products like Firefox web browser, Firefox OS mobile OS and others.

I’ve been involved in a lot of projects these years but there are two that I consider the most important.

The first one is Mozilla Hispano, the Spanish community we founded back in 2007. Being involved in community building efforts and contributor engagement with people from a lot of Spanish speaking countries has been (and is) an awesome experience. It has taught me a lot about how to work in and structure volunteer communities.

The second one is the Mozilla Reps program. When William Quiviger invited me to join the first Council to start the project in 2011, and join the rest of the initial Council in the Paris Work Week, we had no idea about the importance Reps program would have right now.

Guillermo Movia BY-NC-SA 2.0

Initial council work week by Guillermo Movia BY-NC-SA 2.0

I was part of the council till first elections took place and then I’ve been involved as a mentor and also as a Reps module peer, helping and suggesting improvements to the program.


Starting in September I’ll be joining the Community Engagement team at Mozilla to work together with Rosana as Community Manager for Mozilla Reps program. This will allow me to devote full time to help improve the program working with Council, Mentors, Reps and the rest of the organization. I’ll be focused on improving tools, processes, metrics and internal communications.

I’ll keep my responsibilities as Mozilla Hispano community member and you shouldn’t expect major changes on my contributions to other Mozilla areas as long as my time allows me 😉

I’m really excited about this change and it’s an honor to work full time on something that enables mozillians to move Mozilla’s mission forward and keep making impact on the web.

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