localization FAQ

Pascal Chevrel
Creation date:

Here is a small FAQ about the partial localization of for the Firefox 2 release.

There is a copy of this FAQ at this address: Online Localization FAQ.

The Online copy of this FAQ will be updated if we feel it is necessary to add information not included in the initial version of the FAQ that comes with the archive files provided to the localizers.

1 - What are the documents to translate?

There are 7 short pages to translate, each of them in a folder which are:


There is also a list a short list of common words to translate that we may use in the site interface, these strings are listed in the vocabulary.txt file and you should just put your translation under the English string above (without the ; at the beginning), here is a sample example with strings translated into French:

;About Mozilla
À propos de Mozilla 

;Contact us

;Mega-Bytes (MB)
Mega-octets (Mo)

There will also be a list of Google snippets that will be displayed on the Firefox-Google search page but they are not written yet.

2 - What are these pages?

These pages are called the 'in-product' pages. They are all the official entry points a Firefox user is likely to stumble upon when installing/upgrading/using Firefox. These pages are either linked in the default Firefox 2 bookmarks or linked directly into the software for welcoming pages like 'you have just installed Firefox' or 'you have successfully upgraded Firefox'.

3 - Is that all we need to translate for the Firefox 2 release?

There are also a few strings to translate that will be used on the Google-Firefox start page to replace the old ones, these strings are not available for translation yet.

If your language is not a language fully included into the current Mozilla Europe, or Mozilla Japan regional portals, and if there is no last minute addition to the content, you don't have anything else to translate for the portal.

If your language is fully supported on one of the regional languages (like German or French on the European portal), then there are also product pages to translate so as to promote Firefox to the people who currently use another browser. This localization work will be done as in the past via the European/Japanese/Chinese localization teams using the usual process.

4 - Will the product pages on regional portals be moved to in the future?

This is indeed planned for early 2007.

5 - What tool should I use to translate the documents?

You must use a text editor saving files as unicode (UTF-8). Do not use a Wysiwyg editor such as Nvu since these tools mess with the HTML code and we would have to clean the files you send

There are many text editors and everyone has his favorite tool, just use the one you are confortable with. Personnally I use jEdit which is Java based because I like to use the same tools on Linux and Windows, but the standard editors in Linux distros such as Gedit or Kate are perfect for the job, on Windows, Scite is a small yet powerful text-editor with UTF8 support.

6 - I want to help with the translation but I don't know HTML?

Actually, you don't really have to know HTML since you shouldn't touch the HTML parts of the files, only the text. If HTML scares you, you can just translate the text only version of the files which are located in the /text_version/ folder and I will put the HTML back on the text.

7 - Is there HTML code I should change for my language?

There is only one HTML attribute that you may want to change, it is the language code for your language, it is located in the second line of each file like this :
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

If your language is Portuguese, you may put the Portuguese language code to replace the en parameter like this:
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="pt" lang="pt">

Note that right to left languages like Arabic don't have to worry about the <dir="rtl"> attribute, it will be added by the server for them.

8 - Is there a way to update the files once they are on the server (fixing typos, updating links, updating the content for future releases...)?

We are currently setting up a staging server that will be accessible via SVN, all the people that want to have an SVN account should contact me (pascal.chevrel AT to get this account and indicate what username they want to use.

9 - May I add links to regional resources in my language?

You can add these links in the following pages :


You will notice that there is a placeholder for those links indicated by the text [regional resource] or [insert other appropriate resources and links as needed], you can use this links to put relevant help in your language, like the big Mozilla community portals, equivalents of Mozillazine in your language... Please do not put extensions sites !, we are currently transforming into a multilingual portal with security checks so as to make sure that all the extensions there can be trusted as spyware free and of good quality.

10 - What are these fancy en-US URLs for addons links?

The official extension site is being rewritten, one of the objectives is to turn it into a multilingual extensions site, hence the URLs in the form of <a href="">Firefox Add-ons</a>. Although the localization for Addons hasn't started yet (any help is welcome!), it is safe to replace the en-US string by your locale, such as : <a href="">Firefox Add-ons</a>, there will be redirections to point to the English version if the localized version doesn't exist yet when firefox 2 is released.

11 - How do I send my work back to you?

You can email a zip archive of the files directly to me (pascal.chevrel AT or add your translation to the bugzilla tracking bug : [Tracking bug] Localize in-product pages for Firefox 2.

SVN users just have to put a comment in the tracking bug report once their translation is done.

12 - What is the file contributors.txt?

This file is there so as that you can put the names of all the people that contributed to the translation. This is used to validate the fact that you agree to see your translation published with a Creative Commons licence and it will also be used to create a contributors page where all the people that contributed to the portal will be listed.

13 - Can I contact you on IRC?

Yes, I use the nickname pascalc and you can find me in the #europe and #l10n channels in